Maker Kits
Explore creativity in materials research using your very own Maker Kit that's full of surprises to get your creativity flowing!
The Maker Kit project aims to deliver public engagement activities which embrace creativity and creative thinking to allow young people and families to explore innovation in material design. Using the Bragg Centre for Materials
Research at the University of Leeds as a platform, the project builds on the culture of collaborative projects
we have established through the EPSRC funded Bragg Centre Creative Labs, connecting engineers and artists to work together and explore innovation in materials design. Creative connections provide a powerful opportunity for engineers to share the creativity and imagination of their materials research with the public.
Our goals are to support (i) connectivity, building networks between engineers and young people and their families; encouraging participation and involvement, (ii) Enlightenment: Inspiring wonder, curiosity and learning; meaning and sense making and (iii) Innovation, new ways of thinking and acting; new products and knowledge; creating, galvanising change.
The project is supported by the Royal Academy of Engineering through their Ingenious Public Engagement awards which aim to engage the public with an exciting variety of engineering themes. With topics ranging from engineering solutions to the global climate emergency to engineering bedtime stories for young children, the projects will work with diverse audiences across the UK, igniting interest in the wonders of engineering to help inspire the next generation of engineers. The Ingenious programme offers grants to support creative public engagement with engineering projects while providing engineers with skills and opportunities to share their stories, passion and expertise with the public.
The project is supported by the Royal Academy of Engineering through their Ingenious Public Engagement awards which aim to engage the public with an exciting variety of engineering themes. With topics ranging from engineering solutions to the global climate emergency to engineering bedtime stories for young children, the projects will work with diverse audiences across the UK, igniting interest in the wonders of engineering to help inspire the next generation of engineers. The Ingenious programme offers grants to support creative public engagement with engineering projects while providing engineers with skills and opportunities to share their stories, passion and expertise with the public.